
Jovem participa de ritual para virar vampiro, mas acaba torturado por amigos até a morte.

14 de março de 2016 - 20:17

Agora1/ R7

A polícia prendeu esta semana três jovens acusados de assassinar um amigo no México. De acordo com informações do Daily Mail, ele morreu durante um ritual cujo objetivo era transformá-lo em um vampiro. A cerimônia aconteceu em um cyber café chamado Anormal Shop — próximo ao edifício do Congresso Regional em Chihuahua, no norte do país.   Edwin Juarez Palma, de 24 anos, morreu depois de ser estrangulado, espancado e ter seu pescoço cortado com uma garrafa quebrada. Dentre os detidos acusados de participar do crime estão uma estudante de 18 anos de idade, identificada como Iveth Lopez, e os jovens Gustavo Dorantes, também de 18 anos, e Omar Sanchez, de 25. Eles podem pegar até 40 anos de prisão se forem considerados culpados.Uma quarta pessoa, descrita pela polícia como o líder da seita, está foragida. De acordo com as autoridades, o jovem funcionário de restaurante, conhecido como Piwa pelos amigos, foi morto depois de ser convencido a participar de uma cerimônia de iniciação para entrar em uma seita chamada filhos de Baphomet 1.

POLICE in Mexico have arrested three people accused of killing a friend they were trying to turn into a vampire during a satanic ceremony at a cyber cafe called Freak Shop. Tragic restaurant worker Edwin Juarez Palma, 24, died after being strangled, beaten, and slashed in the neck with a broken bottle. The horrific crime happened near the regional congress building in Chihuahua in the north of the country. A teenage girl, 18-year-old student Iveth Lopez, is among those being held. The other two suspects were named as Gustavo Dorantes, 18, and Omar Sanchez, 25. They face up to 40 years in prison if found guilty. Police say Edwin, known as Piwa, was killed after being fooled into taking part in an initiation ceremony to become part of a satanic cult called the Sons of Baphomet 1. Instead he was tortured after having his hands tied behind his back after one of the alleged killers persuaded the others their victim should be sacrificed so he could return to life as a vampire. Police were alerted last Tuesday after his body was found abandoned in the street wrapped inside two plastic bags in what detectives believe was a botched attempt to pass the murder off as a drugs-related crime.

No entanto, ele foi torturado depois de ter as mãos amarradas atrás das costas, após um dos assassinos convencer os outros de que o jovem deveria ser sacrificado para que pudesse ressucitar como um vampiro. O corpo da vítima foi encontrado abandonado em uma rua, dentro de dois sacos plásticos. Segundo as autoridades, o descarte do corpo teria sido uma tentativa de confundir a polícia e fazer com que os policiais pensassem se tratar de um crime relacionado ao tráfico de drogas.   Os policiais encontraram vestígios de sangue da vítima dentro do cyber café. O assassinato teria ocorrido de madrugada, no interior dos banheiros do local.

POLICE in Mexico have arrested three people accused of killing a friend they were trying to turn into a vampire during a satanic ceremony at a cyber cafe called Freak Shop.nTragic restaurant worker Edwin Juarez Palma, 24, died after being strangled, beaten, and slashed in the neck with a broken bottle.nThe horrific crime happened near the regional congress building in Chihuahua in the north of the country.nA teenage girl, 18-year-old student Iveth Lopez, is among those being held. The other two suspects were named as Gustavo Dorantes, 18, and Omar Sanchez, 25.nThey face up to 40 years in prison if found guilty.nPolice say Edwin, known as Piwa, was killed after being fooled into taking part in an initiation ceremony to become part of a satanic cult called the Sons of Baphomet 1.nInstead he was tortured after having his hands tied behind his back after one of the alleged killers persuaded the others their victim should be sacrificed so he could return to life as a vampire.nPolice were alerted last Tuesday after his body was found abandoned in the street wrapped inside two plastic bags in what detectives believe was a botched attempt to pass the murder off as a drugs-related crime.n

Iveth Lopez, 18, Gustavo Dorantes, 18, Omar Sanchez, 25 a

Por: Tanveer Mann for

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